CacheBoost Professional is a shareware memory optimizing application that's professional, well-designed, easy-to-use, modern and helpful.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Make sure you never run out of memory, run several cleaning. Screenshot of CacheBoost Professional - 1875px · 1375pxIntuitive design makes it easy to use. Screenshot of CacheBoost Professional - 1875px · 1375pxMonitors and displays memory info. Screenshot of CacheBoost Professional - 1875px · 1375pxPreset optimization profiles and custom configurations. Screenshot of CacheBoost Professional - 1875px · 1375pxCreates a constant supply of free memory. Screenshot of CacheBoost Professional - 1875px · 1375pxCacheBoost Professional: To sum ti up. Screenshot of CacheBoost Professional - 1875px · 1375pxCacheBoost Professional: User interface. Screenshot of CacheBoost Professional - 1875px · 1375px